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Friday, December 10, 2010

The Black Pearl

Went into Allens Music on Wednesday to go to my favorite spot, the basement, but found out that due to the really bad rains in Adelaide recently (it's summer, WTF?) all the instruments and equipment had to be moved to the first level. So as I was looking around, I spotted this baby and feel madly in love:

Isn't it gorgeous? Its a 5 piece Forum series kit and sounds awesome. The guy who worked there said it would last for ages and I'd only have to replace the skins every now and then. He also so said they would be perfect for gigs (ah, to dream, to dream). Only prob is its $1,199, which even though that's a fair price for such an amazing drumset (Pearl ppls!!), I'm only a beginner and not quite sure I should pay out so much for my first acoustic kit. (I have a very shitty Ashton electric kit, meh it's something). Which is why I also have my eye on one of these babies:

Ludwig Fusion Starter kit. These appealed to me because a) It's a good starter kit, b) its o.k price $699 and c) now this is an important one, c) ALEX VAN HALEN PLAYS LUDWIG DRUMS!! (of course a kit about 10x bigger then this one).
So yea, humming and harring over whether to put it on lay-bye. I really want it (In any colour other then fucking purple or pink, I do have some dignity), but just worried about the next door neighbor getting annoyed. Perils of a drum player.


  1. You realise if you buy this I shall have to start referring to you as Captain Jack Sparrow haha.

    Also, I would SO have a purple drum set, even though I can't play the drums!!

  2. Haha, na I'll prob go for the white Ludwig. But purple is pretty is su-possse...
