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Friday, August 26, 2011


I apologise so much to the massive wait. A lot of stuff is going on in my life at the mo, so I haven't really had the time or energy to blog. Plus, I had been a little stuck as what to do with my blog, but for now I'm going to stick to outfit posts. 
On a side note, I've lost almost 10kg, so I finally feel slightly more confident in my outfits and in photos then I did before.

This is a outfit I thought I'd try. I LOVE denim shirts so I bought this gorgeous studded one from Supre and been trying to find an outfit to wear it with. The dress I'm wearing is from Cotton On, and with black tights and my grey combat boots, I think the outfit looks pretty good! Tell me what you think:

I also tried out a new makeup style. It's a combination of silver and electric blues. Check out this tutorial here: Blue and Silver eyeshadow

So there you go!  Sorry again for the massive delay in posting. Pretty, pretty PLEASE tell your fellow blogger friends about my blog, I would LOVE to get new followers :) Cya xxx